Frequently Asked Questions
Important Note:
This year’s Thoroughbred Classic Horse Show (TCHS) will be partnering with the Michael Nyuis Foundation (MNF) to present the MNF Charity Horse Show & Christmas Market: Featuring the Thoroughbred Classic December 5-8, 2024, at the Los Angeles Equestrian Center in Burbank. The prize list, entries, and feed and bedding information can all be found on the MNF homepage.
Register by November 15th to avoid post entry fees.
Can I register for the show online?
Yes! Registration for the MNF Charity Horse and Christmas Market Show Featuring the Thoroughbred Classic Horse Show is available on showgroundslive, you can also find all links for registration and prize list on the MNF homepage.
How do I get my TB discounted stall rate for the show?
TB’s will need to present their paperwork at the office to have the discount applied prior to checking out. Their stall discount will be applied at that time as well, but they will have to pay the regular deposit when they register. Stall costs for TB’s are $175 (for six days).
What are class fees?
TB’s can participate in any of the outreach classes and will pay a reduced rate of $35/class on top of any USEF TB-specific classes they enter.
Please see the latest Prize List on the MNF homepage.
What are the eligibility restrictions for the Thoroughbred Classic?
To compete, the horse must be full Thoroughbred. Jockey Club papers and/or a lip tattoo number are the preferred but there are other ways to be eligible:
- The Jockey Club Registered name of your horse’s sire or dam
- Name of the Breeder or Farm where your horse was obtain
- Name of the Aftercare Organization in which your horse was adopted
If you have any questions, please contact us:
What is the criteria for the Thoroughbred Incentive Program (T.I.P)?
To compete in TIP classes, a horse must have one of the following criteria met.
- The Jockey Club Certificate of Foal Registration (or similar document from a foreign stud book) or a copy thereof; OR
- The horse’s lip tattoo, the horse’s 5-cross pedigree and the successful tattoo lookup result from The Jockey Club’s Tattoo Identification Services, (; OR
- A letter from The Jockey Club verifying the horse’s identity. For a small fee, the Jockey Club can DNA type any horse born after 2001.
How do I obtain a Thoroughbred Incentive Program (TIP) Number?
A TIP number must be obtained by going to > T.I.P. Number.
A TIP number must be obtained for each horse/rider combination. Ex: If Trainer and Owner are both riding the same horse, each rider must obtain their own TIP for that horse.
I noticed this is a rated show. Do I need association memberships to participate?
No one is required to join any of the associations; you only need to pay show pass fees if you are showing in a class requiring them. The USEF show pass fee is $45, and the USHJA show pass fee is $30. These fees do not apply to horses only participating in Outreach classes.
For membership questions, please visit the USEF or USHJA websites.
Can I bring a non-Thoroughbred to the show?
Yes! Because this is an open show, all breeds are allowed except in those classes designated Thoroughbred-Only.
What is the Horse Biography Form and do I need to complete it?
The Horse Biography Form provides us with some basic background information on your horse, how you came to meet, and what you do like to do together. Please complete a biography form for your horse prior to the start of the show. The biography forms shall be emailed to or turned in to the horse show office. Please help us share your horse’s story with spectators and help illustrate a Thoroughbred’s versatility and spirit.
Where do I find the Horse Biography Form?
Click here to get the Horse Biography Form.
Questions about the new show format?
We are looking forward to this year’s TCHS Horse Show Reimagined, which will be a part of a larger event in partnership with Michael Nyuis Foundation. We understand that some attendees are concerned about the changes and want to assure you that our commitment to providing an affordable experience for thoroughbreds on a bigger stage remains unwavering.
Some important notes to highlight:
- Thoroughbreds attending the show continue to benefit from reduced entry and stall costs.
- Variety of exclusive Thoroughbred classes to be offered on Saturday and Sunday, including a $1,500 Thoroughbred Hunter Derby.
- Prizes and ribbons to be given in all exclusive TB classes, similar to previous years.
- Exhibitors able to participate in a rated show.
- Expect the same competitive spirit and community atmosphere and the return of the popular decorating contest for horses, dogs, and barns.
While funds raised will benefit both CARMA and the Michael Nyuis Foundation, it is important to note that the Thoroughbred Classic Horse Show is not a fundraiser and has historically operated at CARMA’s expense. Funds raised in CARMA’s name during this event help offset these costs and allow us to bring you this event year after year as part of our mission to provide a platform to showcase the second careers of thoroughbreds beyond the track.
This collaboration provides a unique opportunity to reach new audiences while furthering our mission. We greatly appreciate your continued support and look forward to celebrating the incredible thoroughbreds who have found second careers through our programs this December.
Questions about entries or event support?
Questions regarding entries can be sent to Jeanette Gilbert, or Adrienne Karazissis,
Anything regarding sponsorship or support of the event can be sent to Brooke at
When is the Racehorse Relay benefitting CARMA?